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We are a family who have been changed and found meaning in life through Jesus Christ. We will offer grace leading to freedom and truth to everyone in all life-stages. We will love each other and our community by seeking to meet heart-felt needs. 



The Bridge Student Ministries

The Bridge Student Ministries is devoted to serving the youth and young adults of Wilmington and surrounding communities. Every time we come together, it becomes an opportunity to make friends and grow spiritually. We hope you visit and go from being a guest to being family!


Youth (7th - 12th grade) meet every Wednesday night at 7 pm in the main sanctuary. Our focus is to provide a safe environment where students can come together to fellowship, worship, learn and have a great time. 


Young Adults (18 -30 years old) meet every Wednesday at 7 pm on the 2nd floor of the church. We're about creating a comfortable space where emerging adults can find support and discover how faith integrates into our lives.  

Men's Ministry

This is a ministry for men seeking to grow in their faith and character through the Word of God. The men gather and discuss topics applicable to men’s present day issues. It is a place where lifelong friendships are established and where accountability partners can be found. Come and grow as a man, a husband, a father or whatever your life stage is. We meet every Wednesday at 7pm. 


PCC worship is led by worship leader Holly Wheat. At PCC we believe that worship is much more than the lyrics we sing and the music we play, we believe worship is a lifestyle and a daily expression of our love for God. Join us every Sunday morning at 10:30am.

Women's Ministry

This is a ministry that encourages, inspires and equips women through the Word of God using studies designed especially for women. It’s a ministry for women to learn and fully utilize their gifts and talents in life and in the church. It also provides opportunities for women to connect with other women and experience our Lord more intimately for a life changing relationship.We meet every Wednesday at 7pm. 

Childern's Ministries

Our programs are designed to equip and grow boys and girls into strong passionate followers of Christ. This ministry meets twice a week, Wednesday Nights @ 7pm and Sunday Mornings @ 10:30am

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-Our Culture/ Values-

Our Culture/ Values



​The PCC culture is one of diverse ethnicities. PCC seeks to be genuine in relationships and personal growth with God. Our approach is contemporary and non-oppressive. We believe everyone is on a personal journey of discovering Christ for themselves, personal relationships and community service or outreach. We preach the message of Christ without bashing society.


Because we believe God does not have favorites, YOU matter to Him! Everyone who comes to PCC is a valued person whom God desires to bring meaningful relationships and purposeful living to. We hope to love people the way God does.


We believe the best way to connect with God whether in church or by our self are through the Bible, worship and prayer. You will notice every time we come together these three elements will almost always be a priority. Becoming an effective follower of Christ is being a student of the Bible along with humility and servitude.


Building relationships is important for any person seeking to live for God. The Bible is a book about relationships; therefore, we must seek out healthy and proper ones. When conflict arises we seek to bring a solution through biblical truths. We believe God brings everyone together because He knows the potential of our gifts and talents and is supreme over us all.


As one grows in their faith there is a supernatural propensity to grow in maturity often revealed in teaching, mentoring and/or serving those who are in need. Spiritual growth is a byproduct of yielding one’s ways to God. A heart surrendered to God is a teachable heart. We are all growing in Christ and will never be perfected until we see Him face to face.

-What We Believe-


We Believe There Is One God.

(Deuteronomy 6:4, Ephesians 4:5) He is sometimes called Jehovah or Yahweh (the Hebrew word for God).  


He is revealed in three persons:  God (the Father), Jesus (the Son), and the Holy Spirit.  The three are commonly referred to as the Trinity. (Matthew 28:19)


We Believe Salvation Is Available To Anyone Who Believes In Jesus.

Jesus is God’s Son.  He has always existed.  Because of sin, mankind was doomed to die (Romans 6:23). Jesus came to earth as a baby, born to a virgin girl named Mary.  He lived a life without sin, and willingly died for us. (John 3:16)  Three days later He rose from the dead, He ascended to Heaven, and He is alive today.  We can know Him personally by believing in Him and asking Him to forgive our sins.


We Believe The Bible Is The Word Of God And The Ultimate Source Of Truth.

The Bible was written over a period of about 1500 years, in three languages (Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic), by 40 different writers, yet it contains an incredibly accurate historical record and an impeccably consistent presentation of Spiritual truth.  This is only possible because the words of the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit.  The greatest evidence of the authority of the Bible is not in historical facts or its consistency.  It is found in the obvious result of applying the truths of the Bible to our everyday lives. (2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:21)


We Believe God Still Works In Our Lives In Incredible Ways.

The Holy Spirit is still at work in the lives of believers today.  In fact, many of the miracles of the Bible still happen and are documented every day.  The healing of diseases, the restoration of broken lives, even prophecies and supernatural occurrences, all these things still happen.  The reason these things still take place is because the Holy Spirit is still at work in the lives of believers. (James 5:14-16; John 14:12) 


PCC is a part of a global fellowship of churches known as the Assemblies of God. 

The above description of our beliefs is a very basic, introductory view of our doctrine.  For more information about the beliefs and doctrines of the Assemblies of God, visit the AG website here. 

Become a member today!



Phone: (310) 830-5071


24919 S. Avalon Blvd. Wilmington, CA 90744

© 2017
By Port City Church created on

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